Weather Report for 9th December

The weather around the Dhaka city as well as Dhaka University campus is likely to stay calm during 09th December, as explained with the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) simulated output from 0000 BST (Bangladesh Standard Time) of 09th to 0000 BST of 10th December.

  1. The temperature around the Dhaka city is likely to stay a bit within the next 24 hours. The temperature should be above 22 degrees Celsius at 0000 BST of 09th December and will go down as low as 18 degrees Celsius. It will decrease with time up to 0900 BST. But it will  gradually increase after that. The highest temperature should be found at around 1500 BST, when there will be temperature of more than 25 degrees Celsius. This gradual progression of temperature will likely to remain up to 2100 BST. The temperature will decrease after that as shown in the figure.
  2. The wind will likely to stay calm. There will be a gentle breeze around the city. The pressure will likely to stay normal during the next 24 hours. There are no traces of precipitation during the next 24 hours.

Therefore, it is to be concluded that the temperature will remain a bit higher tomorrow. But the wind shall be calm and there is no chance of any type of precipitation.