Name | Dr. Haseena Khan | |
Designation | Professor | |
Last Degree | Ph.D in Molecular Biology, University of Sussex, England | |
Name Haseena Khan
Marital Status Married with one daughter
Corresponding Address Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Dhaka
Dhaka 1000
Telephone number At work: +880-2-9661900-49 Ext. 7645
Cell: +8801711612344
Fax. Number +880-2-8615583
1976 B.Sc. Honors in Biochemistry, placed in the First Class
Department of Biochemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1977 M.Sc. in Biochemistry. Placed in the First Class
Department of Biochemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1985 Doctorate of Philosophy
Nitrogen Fixation Laboratory, AFRC,
University of Sussex, Brighton, England.
01/82 - 02/87 Lecturer
Department of Biochemistry, University of Dhaka
02/87 - 03/90 Assistant Professor,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Dhaka
03/90 - 07/95 Associate Professor,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Dhaka
07/95 - till date Professor,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Jan 01-Aug 05 First Chairperson
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
University of Dhaka
Nov. 12- Oct 15 Chairman
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Dhaka
Jan 13 – Jan. 2015 Visiting Professor
Faculty of Life Science and Biotechnology
South Asian University, Akbar Bhawan, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110021, India
FELLOWSHIPS AND ACADEMIC AWARDS (with study leave from Dhaka University)
1982 - 85 Ph.D. Fellowship Supported by a fellowship from the Association of Commonwealth Universities at University of Sussex, UK.
The project involved a molecular genetic study of the regulatory mechanisms of biological nitrogen fixation, a very important biological process. The project required developing methods for site-directed mutation of the nifLA promoter of Klebsiella pneumoniae such that single base-pair changes would be made in order to determine by DNA sequencing the mutated promoter and the specific nucleotides recognised by the transcriptional activators, NifA and NtrC of the promoter. These transcriptional activators are known to regulate the expression of nitrogen-fixing genes.
1985–86 Post-doctoral Research Fellow Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire, INRA-CNRS, Castanet-Tolosan, France. Supported by Elf-BioRecherche (with study leave from Dhaka University)
This project involved a study of the plant partner in a symbiotic relationship of biological nitrogen fixation. Project involved construction of a genomic bank of the leguminous plant alfalfa (Medicago sativa) to isolate and study the nodule specific plant genes formed in the symbiotic relationship between Rhizobium meliloti and Medicago sativa (with study leave from Dhaka University).
March 1991-September 1991 Research Fellow: Nitrogen Fixation Laboratory, University of Sussex, Sussex, U.K. Fellowship provided by the British Council, U.K.
Project involved cloning of the nif H gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae into the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Agrobacterium mediated transformation of Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) and screening of the transgenic plants for the nif H gene were also part of the project which included extensive plant tissue culture work (with study leave from Dhaka University).
1992–1995 Research Associate (supported by a fellowship of the Medical Research Council of Canada) Reproduction Research Laboratory Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Project involved characterization of alternatively spliced variants of sheep testicular follicle stimulating hormone receptors by cloning cDNA of the variants into eukaryotic expression vectors and studying their expression in eukaryotic cells. These clones had also been engineered for prokaryotic expression. These proteins made in the bacteria had been successfully purified and used in the production of antibodies against them in the rabbits (with study leave from Dhaka University).
Present Research Interests:
I have been involved in research work on molecular biology and genetic engineering since 1982 when this discipline was at its infancy. I have attracted several foreign and national funding agencies including the USDA, ICGEB and the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of Bangladesh in getting research funds for carrying out research in molecular biology and genetic engineering.
At the moment I am involved in the genetic improvement of jute, the golden fibre of Bangladesh. We have very little at the molecular genetic level on jute. However the necessity to improve genetically this important cash crop cannot be overemphasized. Molecular approaches can help in modifying jute so that the plant itself may overcome both the biotic and abiotic stresses it encounters in its life cycle.
I am using the modern genetic engineering tools to solve such problems. With the use of DNA fingerprinting I have developed methods of accurately identifying jute seeds, which at times are difficult to differentiate. Through DNA fingerprinting I have been successful in identifying jute plants/seeds with particular characteristics.
I have used these molecular markers in genotyping the jute genome and have developed a framework map for jute. At the moment such markers are being used for creating a denser map.
A 1200 bp DNA maker linked to low temperature tolerance in jute, when cloned, sequenced and analyzed with bioinformatics tool was found to be the last exon (150 bp) of a putative gene for VPS 51/67. My laboratory has successfully carried out RACE (randomly identified cDNA ends) to get further coding sequence of this putative gene. With degenerate primers designed from Arabidobsis VPS 51/67 gene with which the jute VPS 51/67 sequence is homologous, work is now going on in getting the complete transcribed region.
Work is going on, on silencing some genes of the lignin biosynthetic pathway using RNAi approach in order to reduce the lignin content of jute.
Fellow, Bangladesh Academy of Science: one of the four female members of this apex body of science, which is a non-political, non-governmental organization. Fellows are elected from amongst the distinguished scientists and technologists of the country.
Awarded Young Scientist Award in the field of Biotechnology by UNESCO/ROSTSCA (Regional Office for Science and Technology for South and Central Asia) in 1989.
Awarded Bangladesh Academy of Science-M.O. Ghani Memorial Gold Medal 2011.
Awarded the Kazi Mahbubullah Gold Medal in 2015 for contribution to molecular biology of jute.
Moni Singh - Farhad Memorial Trust Award, 2016 for contribution to science and research
National Expert:
1. Ex-General Secretary, Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
1. Member, Editorial Board “Bangladesh Journal of Biochemistry”
2. Member, Editorial Board, “Bangladesh Livestock Research Journal”
3. Member, Editorial Board, “Bioresearch Communications”
4. Ex-Member, Editorial Board, “Bangladesh Journal of Microbiology”
1. One of the two organizers of International Hands-on Training Workshop on “Novel DNA Markers for Crop Improvement” Sponsored by ICGEB and Departments of Botany and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Nov. 4-13 2001.
3. Organizing Secretary of an IUBMB International Symposium on: Cancer and Developmental Biology: Latest Biochemical Advances” organized by the Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 29-31, 2010
4. Organizing Chairman BSBMB Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh February 2015.
5. Organizing Chairman, 2nd South Asian Biotechnology Conference, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 2016
Governor, Alternate (ICGEB)
1. Attended as Alternate Governor, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Board of Governors’ Meeting, Nov. 2004 held in New Delhi, India.
2. Attended as Alternate Governor, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Board of Governors’ Meeting, Oct. 2005 held in Trieste, Italy.
Invited Lectures (not exhaustive):
1. Invited Speaker at the Tenth Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS X). 18-23 November 2000, Dhaka, Bangladesh, DNA Fingerprinting of Commercial and Flood Tolerant Jute by RAPD. (2000).
2. Invited to speak on “Status of Transgenic Development in Bangladesh” in Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II of USAID Harvesting the Benefits of Agricultural Biotechnology Products in Bangladesh, October 6-7, 2004, Dhaka
3. Invited by British Council to participate in a Workshop on “Complex Genetics” held in New Castle upon Tyne, England, April 2005.
4.Invited as country representative to attend the Asian Food Hygiene Network Workshop held on March 7-8, 2006 in Tsukuba, Japan to present a paper titled: “Modern Biotechnology and Food Security: A Bangladesh Perspective.”
5. Invited to present a paper titled ‘Understanding Jute at the Molecular Level’ at the conference titled ‘Promotion of Biotechnology in Bangladesh’ April 6-8, 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh
7. Invited to the Regional Biosecurity Workshop, held in Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 009, 2007, organized by Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland, USA.
8. Invited to present a paper in the International Symposium on Jute and allied Fibres, organized by the Indian Fibre Society. Kolkata, India, 9-12 January, 2008
9. Invited to present a paper titled ‘The Use of Jute in Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change’ in the International Symposium on Climate Change & Food Security in South Asia, 25-30 August 2008, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh
10. Invited by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to present work on jute regarding “Biofibres of the Future” at an International Conference on Kenaf and Allied Fibres (ICKAF 2009) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Dec. 01-03, 2009
11. Invited to The Global Biosafety Management Program held on 27 – 31 March, 2010 at the Fort Aguada Beach Resort in Goa (organized by Cornell in India and Sathguru)
12. Invited Speaker at the International Seminar on “Strengthening of Collaboration of Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibre Research and Development” held in Dhaka, June 08-09, 2011 (organized by the International Jute Study Group)
13. Invited to speak on “Bioinformatics: The future prospect in Asia” in e-Asia, Dhaka Dec. 1-3, 2011 (
14. Invited Speaker on ‘Emerging Directions in Jute Gene Technology’ in the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB 2012), Fukuoka, Japan on 13~14 October, 2012.
15. Invited Speaker at the 19th IAS (Islamic World Academy of Sciences) Conference on “Improvement of Jute Growth under Abiotic Stress Conditions”, May 5-8, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
16. Invited to present my work in the first South Asian Biotechnology Conference held from l2th to 14th February 2015, at South Asian University, New Delhi, India
17. Invited to the 11th AASSA Regional Workshop on “Gender Issues in Science Research and Education,” in conjunction with the Gender Summit 6 Asia Pacific 2015 (GS 6 AP 2015) on 26-29 August 2015 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
18. Invited to Hyogo University, Japan regarding signing a Memorandum of Understanding between University of Dhaka and Hyogo University, Now 25-27, 2015
19. Nominated by the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences to present a paper on "Science & Technology Policy in the context of Biotechnology towards sustainable development" during the conference, organized jointly by RCB, India and UNESCO - Regional Dialogue on "Science & Technology Policy in the context of Biotechnology”, 11-12 December 2015, Faridabad (NCR of Delhi), India.
Guest speaker (1998-2006) at different training courses on:
“Use of DNA Fingerprinting in Identification of Individuals”
In the following institutions:
2. Detective Training School
3. Judicial Administration Training Institute
1. Attended as a member of Bangladesh team in the Regional Conference on Bast and Allied Fibres, in Beijing, China, November, 2000.
2 Attended as a NAM invitee an International Hands-on Training Course on DNA Sequencing and Genotyping. February 25-March 10, 2002, Hyderabad, India.
3. Attended as the General Secretary, Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology the 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB Congress in Shanghai, China, August 2-7, 2009 and participated in the Executive Committee meeting of FAOBMB.
4. Attended as Member, Executive Committee, Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology the 24st IUBMB and 15th FAOBMB Congress in Taipei, Taiwan, October 21-26, 2014 and participated in the Executive Committee meeting of FAOBMB.
Ongoing research projects are the followings:
1. HEQEP (Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project, funded by the World Bank) Sub-Project (CP-3250), July, 2014- June, 2017
“Creating a next generation of postgraduate researchers highly skilled in molecular and analytical approaches while harnessing endophytes for broad spectrum industrial application as well as using them for improved stress tolerance in jute.”
The goal of this sub-project is application oriented postgraduate research by understanding jute endophytes and their applications as sources of industrially important secondary metabolites.
Completed research projects are:
1. Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh, July 2015-June 2016
Assessment of host response against Macrophomina infection in sensitive and resistant species of jute (Corchorus sp.).
2. Project from the Ministry of Education, Gov’t of Bangladesh (2012-2013) “Computational Prediction and Experimental Validation of micro RNAs (miRNA) in Jute”
3. Research grant from BAS-USDA Program for Agricultural and Life Sciences (2011-2012) “Development of Low Lignin Containing Tolerant Jute Variety”.
4. Project from the Ministry of Education, Gov’t of Bangladesh (2010-2013)
“Development of Salt Tolerant Jute by introducing kat E gene”
5. Research Grant from the US Department of Agriculture (2006-2010) “Development of Jute EST/cDNA Library and Identification of Genes of Economic Importance”
6. International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Grant (2003-2005) “The Development of Microsatellite Primers for Genetic Analysis and Marker-Aided Selection of Jute”.
7. Research Grant from the US Department of Agriculture (2001-2004) “Genetic Improvement of Jute by Marker-Aided Selection and Transformation”
8. Project from Ministry of Science and Technology, Gov't of Bangladesh (1999-2000) “Upgrading of Laboratory Facilities for Conversion to Molecular Biology Laboratory Suitable for DNA Fingerprinting for Practical Applications”.
9. Project from Ministry of Science and Technology, Gov’t of Bangladesh (1998-1999) “DNA Fingerprinting: an Aid for Plant Breeders”
10. Project from International Jute Study Group (IJSG) (1997-1998) “Potential Improvement of Jute by Biotechnological Approaches”.
1. Harnessing Biotechnology to Build a Better Bangladesh (2003) Zeba I. Seraj, Haseena Khan, Rakha Hari Sarker, Shakila N. Khan and Ahmad S. Islam
The above is a chapter from a book called ‘Bangladesh in the New Millennium’, published by Dhaka University
2. Bengali-English, English-Bengali Biotechnology Glossary (2007) Haseena Khan, Sabina Yeasmin, Mustak Ibn Ayub and Thomas Creamer
Published by McNeil Technologies, Dunwoody Press, USA
3. Plant Genetic Engineering: A Tip of Microbial Iceberg
Haseena Khan (2008)
The above is a chapter from a book called ‘Microbial Biotechnology in Horticulture’, Volume 2 Chapter 3 (Editors: R.C. Ray and Owen P, Ward), Science Publishers, USA
4. Bengali-English, English-Bengali Avian Flu Glossary (2009) Haseena Khan, Sabina Yeasmin, Mustak Ibn Ayub and Thomas Creamer. Published by McNeil Technologies, Inc. Dunwoody Press, USA
B. News Paper Article:
The Promise of Bio-tech: Haseena Khan and Abu Ashfaqur Sajib look at alternative ways to increase agricultural production. FORUM, a monthly magazine of Daily Star Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2009 (
C. Research Publications:
Identification and expression profiling of microRNAs and their corresponding targets related to phytoremediation of heavy metals in jute (Corchorus olitorius var. O-9897) (2016). Shaila Hauqe, Ahlan Sabah Ferdous, Suprovath Kumar Sarker, Md. Tariqul Islam, Kawsar Hossain, Haseena Khan Bioresearch Communications Volume 02, Issue 01: 116-119. |
Artificial miRNA‑mediated down‑regulation of two monolignoid biosynthetic genes (C3H and F5H) cause reduction in lignin content in jute. (2015) Farhana Shafrin, Sudhanshu Sekhar Das, Neeti Sanan-Mishra, Haseena Khan. Plant Molecular Biology Volume 89, Issue 4, pp 511-527 |
High-Throughput Sequencing Reveals Diverse Sets of Conserved, Nonconserved, and Species-Specific miRNAs in Jute. (2015) Md. Tariqul Islam, Ahlan Sabah Ferdous, Rifat Ara Najnin, Suprovath Kumar Sarker, and Haseena Khan. International Journal of Genomics. Volume 2015 Article ID 125048. |
Identification of stable reference genes for quantitative PCR in jute under different experimental conditions: An essential assessment for gene expression analysis. (2015) Ferdous, Ahlan Sabah; Islam, Md Tariqul; Alam, Salma Sultana; Haseena Khan. Australian Journal of Crop Science Volume 9 Issue 7 |
Corchorus L. and Hibiscus L.: Molecular Phylogeny Helps to Understand Their Relative Evolution and Dispersal Routes. (2015) Arif Mohammad Tanmoy, Md. Maksudul Alam, Mahdi Muhammad Moosa, Ajit Ghosh, Waise Quarni, Farzana Ahmed, Nazia Rifat Zaman, Sazia Sharmin, Md. Tariqul Islam, Md. Shahidul Islam, Kawsar Hossain, Rajib Ahmed and Haseena Khan. Bioresearch Communications. Volume 1, Issue 1. |
A diverse community of jute (Corchorus spp.) endophytes reveals mutualistic host–microbe interactions. (2015) Rifat Ara Najnin, Farhana Shafrin, Ahsan Habib Polash, Aubhishek Zaman, Amzad Hossain, Taha Taha, Rajib Ahmed, Jannatul Ferdoush Tuli, Rashu Barua, Abu Ashfaqur Sajib & Haseena Khan. Annals of Microbiology. Vol 65, Issue 3. |
Jute (Corchorus olitorius var. O-72) stem lignin: variation in content with age. (2015) Tanmoy, MA Alum, MS Islam, T Farzana, H Khan. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 43(3):309-314. |
Improved salt tolerance of jute plants expressing the katE gene from Escherichia coli (2012) Md. Shahidul Islam, Muhammad Shafiul Azam, Sazia Sharmin , Abu Ashfaqur Sajib, Md. Maksudul Alam, Md. Shamim Reza, Rajib Ahmed, Haseena Khan, Turk J Biol Vol 37, Issue 2. |
Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase genes from a susceptible and resistant jute species show opposite expression pattern profile during/following Macrophomina phaseolina infection (2012) Sazia Sharmin, Muhammad Shafiul Azam. Md. Shahidul Islam, Abu Ashfaqur Sajib, Niaz Mahmood, A. M. Mahedi Hasan, Rajib Ahmed, Kishwar Sultana, Haseena Khan Communicative and Integrative Biology 5(6) |
Estimation of Genome Size of Jute (Corchorus capsularis (L.) var. CVL-1 using Flow Cytometry (2012) Ryo Akashi, Nurun N. Fancy, Arif M. Tanmoy and Haseena Khan Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 22(1) 83-86 |
Members of Ectocarpus siliculosus F-box Family Are Subjected to Differential Selective Forces (2012) Niaz Mahmood, Mahdi Muhammad Moosa, S. Abdul Matin and Haseena Khan. Interdisciplinary Bio Central 4, 1-7 |
A Simple and Swift Method for Isolating High Quality RNA from Jute (Corchorus spp,) (2011) Niaz Mahmood, Razib Ahmed, Mohammed Shafiul Azam and Haseena Khan Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 21(2) 207-211 |
Identification of a novel dehydration responsive transcript from tossa jute (Corcohrus olitorius L.) (2011) Sazia Sharmin, Mahdi Muhammad Moosa, Md. Shahidul Islam, Inamul Kabir, Arzuba Akter and Haseena Khan. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology 9(1): 21-29 |
Combination of two rare mutations causes β-thalassaemia in a Bangladeshi patient (2011) Mahdi Muhammad Moosa, Mustak Ibn Ayub,, AMA Emran Bashar & Golam Sarwardi, Waqar Khan, Haseena Khan and Sabina Yeasmin. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 34(3): 406–409 |
Identification and characterization of jute LTR retrotransposons: Their abundance, heterogeneity and transcriptional activity (2011) Salim Ahmed, MD Shafiuddin, Muhammad Shafiul Azam, Md. Shahidul Islam, Ajit Ghosh and Haseena Khan. Mobile Genetic Elements 1: 18 - 28 |
SSR Markers Linked to Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks) Resistance in Jute (Corchorus olitorius L,) (2010) Ajit Ghosh, Sazia Sharmin, Sazzadul Islam, Minhazuddin Pahloan, Shahidul Islam and Haseena Khan. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 46:64-74 |
Mutation Analysis of the HBB Gene in Selected Bangladeshi b-Thalassemic Individuals: Presence of Rare Mutations (2010) Mustak Ibn Ayub, Mahdi Muhammad Moosa, Golam Sarwardi, Waqar Khan, Haseena Khan and Sabina Yeasmin Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers.14 (3):299-302 |
In silico analysis of jute SSR library and experimental verification of assembly (2010). Samira R, Moosa MM, Alam MM, Keka SI, Khan H. POJ 3(2):57-65 |
Identification and characterization of ribosomal protein S8 gene of jute (2009) Salim Ahmed, Md. Maksudul Alam, Md. Sazzadul Islam, MD. Shafiuddin, Md. Mosharrof Hossain Mondal, Md. Amzad Hossain and Haseena Khan. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 19(2) 207-215 |
A computational and experimental approach for developing jute ESTs from genomic clones (2009). Salim Ahmed, Md. Zinnatun Nabi , Md. Maksudul Alam, Md. Sazzadul Islam, Rozalynne Samira, Mahdi M Moosa and Haseena Khan. Australian Journal of Crop Science 3(6): 322-328 |
Genetic diversity and relationship in jute (Corchorus spp) revealed by SSR markers (2009). Saaimatul Huq, Md. Shahidul Islam, Abu Ashfaqur Sajib, Nadim Ashraf, Samiul Haque and Haseena Khan. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 38(2): 161-169 |
A putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase of jute involved in stress response. (2009) Md. Maksudul Alam, Sazia Sharmin, Zinnatun Nabi, Shakhinur Islam Mondal, Md. Shahidul Islam, Sarmah Bin Nayeem, Mohammad Shoyaib, and Haseena Khan. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 28 (3): 394-402 |
Construction of Genetic Map of Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) Based on RAPD Markers (2008) Samiul Haque, Nadim Ashraf, Selina Begum, R.H. Sarkar and Haseena Khan. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 18(2): 165-172 |
Identification of Drosophila Promoter Using Positional Differential Matrix and Support Vector Machine from Sequence Data (2008) Azizul Haque, Firoz Anwar, Taskeed Jabid, Syed Murtuza Baker, Haseena Khan, Mohammad Nurul Islam, and Mohammad Shoyaib. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 18(2): 123-130. |
Identifying Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marker linked to mite tolerance in jute (2008). Shamima Islam Keka, Md. Shamsuzzaman, Minhaz Uddin Pahloan Sultana Pervin and Md. Maksuder Rahman and Haseena Khan. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 37(2): 161-171. |
Pol II promoter prediction using characteristic 4-mer motifs: a machine learning approach (2008) Firoz Anwar, Syed Murtuza Baker, Taskeed Jabid, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Shoyaib, Haseena Khan and Ray Walshe. BMC Bioinformatics 9:414 |
Tissue culture independent transformation for Corchorus olitorius (2008) Abu Ashfaqur Sajib Md. Shahidul Islam Md. Shamim Reza Arpita Bhowmik Layla Fatema Haseena Khan. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. 95: 333-340. |
Microsatellite markers for determining genetic identities and genetic diversity among jute cultivars (2008) Haseena Khan, Jesmin Akter, Md Shahidul Islam, Abu Ashfaqur Sajib, Nadim Ashraf, Samiul Haque Australian Journal of Crop Science 1(3): 97-107 |
Determining genetic diversity of some jute varieties and accessions using RAPD markers (2007) Samiul Haque, Selina Begum, R.H. Sarker and Haseena Khan. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech 17(2) 183-191 |
Development and use of microsatellites for study of DNA polymorphism, transferability and genetic diversity in jute (2007). Ryazul Rouf Mir , Sharma S., R. Singh, S. Rustgi, A. Goyal, J. Kumar, A. Gaur, A.Tyagi, Haseena Khan, M. Sinha, H. S. Balyan and P. K. Gupta. Euphytica, 161:413-427 |
Method for Quality DNA Isolation from Different Parts of Jute Plant: Corchorus capsularis L. and C. olitorius L. (2004) Samiul Haque, Nadim Ashraf, Aleya Awal, R. H. Sarker, Selina Begum and Haseena Khan. Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 14(2): 143-148. |
Use of RAPD fingerprinting for discriminating two populations of Hilsa shad (Tenulosa ilisha Ham.) from inland rivers of Bangladesh (2003). Rehnuma Shifat, Anwara Begum, and Haseena Khan. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 36 (5)462-467 |
Distinction between cold sensitive and cold tolerant jute by a combined RAPD and AFLP study. Mohammad Belayat Hossain, Aleya Awal, Mohammad Aminur Rahman, Samiul Haque, (2003) Haseena Khan. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 36 (5)427-432 |
DNA Typing by RAPD for Differentiation between Two Species of Catfish, Heteropneustes Fossilis and Clarias Batrachus. (2002) Haseena Khan, Fateema Parveen and Anwara Begum Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 11 (2) 1-8. (Bangladesh) |
DNA Fingerprinting of Jute Germplasm by RAPD. (2002) Mohammad Belayat Hossain, Samiul Haque and Haseena Khan. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 35(4), 414-419. |
Association between Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene Polymorphism and Hypertension in a Bangladeshi Population (2002) M. Morshed, H. Khan and S. Akhteruzzaman. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 35 (3) 251-254 |
Agrobacterium mediated transformation of Bangladesh indica variety for conferring salt tolerance (2002) Zeba I Seraj, M. Bakhtiar Hossain, Noorain M. Rasul, Hasina Akhter, Haseena Khan, Shamim Hossain, M. A. Salam and Glenn Gregario. Properties for Saline Agriculture, 167-176. R. Ahmed and K.A. Malik, (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Transformation of jute (Corchorus capsularis L. vars CVL-1 and D-154) with the plasmids pCAMBIA1201, pBI 121 and pBINCHI 11 and high efficiency marker gene insertion in explants (1999) M.B. Hossain, M.H. Khan, E.H. Chowdhury, F.T. Zohra, Z.I. Seraj, H. Khan and R.H. Sarker. Proceedings of the Workshop on Application of Biotechnology in the Improvement of Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres-Phase II (IJO/AGRI/10). Publication of International Jute Organization (IJO). |
Some Aspects of the Extraction of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin from the Urine of Pregnant Women (1999). Haseena Khan. Bio. Tech. Res. In Dhaka University. Suppl. Issue Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci 8(2): 25-30. |
Immunization of male bonnet monkeys (M. radiata) with a recombinant FSH receptor preparation affects testicular function and fertility (1997). N.R. Moudgal, M.R. Sairam, H.N. Krishnamurty, S. Sridhar H. Krishnamurty and H. Khan. Endocrinology 138, 3065-3068. |
Molecular cloning, structure and expression of a testicular follitropin receptor with selective alteration in the carboxy terminus that affects signalling function (1997). T.A. Yarney, L. Jiang, H. Khan, E.A. MacDonald, D.W.Laird and M.R. Sairam. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48(4) 458-470. |
Alternative splicing converts the G-protein coupled follitropin receptor gene into a growth factor type I receptor: implications for pleitropic actions of the hormone (1997). M.R. Sairam L.G. Jiang T.A. Yarney and H. Khan. Mol. Repro. Dev. 48(4), 471-479. |
Recognition of follicle stimulating hormone (alpha-subunit) by a recombinant receptor protein domain coded by an alternately spliced mRNA and expressed in Escherichia coli (1997). H. Khan, L.G. Jiang, G.N. Jayashree, T.A. Yarney and M.R. Sairam. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 19(2), 183-190. |
Ontogeny of FSH receptor messenger ribonucleic acid transcripts in relation to FSH secretion and testicular function in sheep (1997). T.A. Yarney, M.H. Fahmy, M.R. Sairam, H. Khan and E.A. MacDonald. J. Mol. Endorinol. 18(2), 113-125. |
Follitropin Signal Transduction: Alternative Splicing of the FSH Receptor Gene Produces a Dominant Negative Form of Receptor Which Inhibits Hormone Action (1996). M.R.Sairam, L.G.Jiang, T.A.Yarney and H. Khan. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 226, 717-722 |
Molecular cloning and expression of the ovine testicular follicle stimulating hormone receptor (1993). T.A. Yarney, M.R. Sairam, H. Khan, N. Ravindranath, S. Payne and N.G. Seidah. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 93, 219-226. |
Cloning of alternately spliced mRNA transcripts coding for variants of ovine testicular follitropin receptor lacking the G protein coupling domains (1993). Haseena Khan, T.A. Yarney, and M.R. Sairam. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 190, 888-894. |
Host-controlled restriction and modification of phage SK101 and its mutants by different Shigella species (1992). Mustafizur Rahman, Hossain Uddin Shekhar and Haseena Khan. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 1(1), 65-70. |
Identification of two groups of leghemoglobin genes in alfalfa and a study of their expression during root nodule development (1988). David Barker, Phillip Gallusci, Valerie Lullien, Haseena Khan, Michelle Gherardi and Thierry Huguet. Plant Molecular Biology 11, 761. |
Deletion loop mutagenesis of the nifL promoter from Klebsiella pneumonia: role of the -26 to -12 region in promoter function (1986). Haseena Khan, Martin Drummond and Ray Dixon. Gene 45, 281-288. |
Regulation of the nitrogen fixing genes in Klebsiella pneumonia: Implications for genetic manipulation (1986). R.A. Dixon, M. Buck, M. Drummond, T. Hawkes, H. Khan, S. MacFarlane, M. Merrick and J.R. Postgate. Plant and Soil. 90, 225-233. |
nif promoter structure in Klebsiella pneumonia. Martin Buck, Stephen Miller, Haseena Khan, Martin Drummond and Ray Dixon. (1985). Nitrogen Fixation Research Progress. H.J. Evans, P.J. Bottomley and W.E. Newton (eds). |
Site-directed mutagenesis of the Klebsiella pneumonia nifL and nifH promoter activity (1985). Martin Buck, Haseena Khan and Ray Dixon. Nucleic Acids Research 13, 7621-7633.
Lab representations:
Tissue culture independent transformation for Corchorus olitorius M. Shahidul Islam, Abu Ashfaqur Sajib, M. Shamim Reza, Arpita Bhowmick, Layla Fatema and Haseena Khan 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB Congress, Shanghai, August 2-7, 2009 (Poster Presentation)
Improved salt tolerance of jute plants expressing the katE gene from Escherichia coli. Md. Shahidul Islam, Muhammad Shafiul Azam, Sazia Sharmin , Abu Ashfaqur Sajib, Md.Maksudul Alam, Md. Shamim Reza, Rajib Ahmed, Haseena Khan 12th FAOBMB Congress, Shanghai, August 2-7, 2009
Diversity pf Endophytic Bacteria in Jute (Corchorus spp.) Farhana Shafrin, Md. Amzad Hossain, Taha, Mahdi Mohammad Moosa, Mahnaz Reza, Ahmad Faisal Karim, Md. Shahidul Islamand Haseena Khan. 22nd FAOBMB Conference, Singapore 5-7 October, 2011
(i) Polynucleotides encoding enzymes from the jute lignin biosynthetic pathway M Alam, H Khan, M Zaman, MK Uddin, MS Haque, MS Islam, MS Azam US Patent 20,140,344,997
(ii) Nucleic acid molecules encoding enzymes that confer disease resistance in jute M Alam, H Khan, M Zaman, MK Uddin, MS Haque, MS Islam, MS Azam US Patent 20,140,317,778