Department Name : Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies

cvwj fvlv I mvwnZ¨‡K Dcgnv‡`‡ki cÖvPxb wk¶v, ms¯‹…wZ, BwZnvm Ges HwZ‡n¨i Ab¨Zg Avavi wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq| Gi ¸iæZ¡ Abyaveb K‡i XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq cÖwZôvjMœ †_‡K cvwj fvlv I mvwnZ¨‡K cvV¨ ZvwjKvq AšÍ©fz³ K‡i Ges †m mgq wewfbœ wefv‡Mi m‡½ mshy³ n‡q Av‡jvP¨ wel‡q cvV `vb Kvh©µg P‡j Avm‡Q| 1921 mv‡j cÖ_‡g Òms¯‹…Z I evsjv wefv‡Mi ms‡½, 1937 mv‡j Ôms¯‹…Z wefv‡Mi ms‡½, 1950 mv‡j evsjv I ms¯‹…Z wefv‡Mi m‡½ mshy³ †_‡K Ges 1970 mv‡j Ôms¯‹……Z I cvwj wefvMÕ bv‡g cvwj fvlv I mvwnZ¨ wel‡qi wk¶vµg cwiPvwjZ nq| 2006-2007 wk¶vel© n‡Z Ôcvwj GÛ eyw×÷ wefvMÕ bv‡g ¯^Zš¿fv‡e wk¶v Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i Avm‡Q|

eZ©gv‡b AÎ wefv‡M Pvi eQi †gqvw` mœvZK I GK eQi †gqvw` mœvZ‡KvËi Z_v gv÷vm© †Kv‡m©i wk¶v-Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ nq| GQvovI, Gg.wdj I wcGBP.wW M‡elYv Kvh©µgI Pvjy Av‡Q| eZ©gv‡b Kjv fe‡bi 6ô Zjvq wefvMwUi wk¶v I `vßwiK Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ n‡”Q|


Pali Language and Literature is considered as an important store house of ancient education, culture, history and heritage of this subcontinent. Realizing its importance the authority of Dhaka University took initiative to include the subject in the academic curriculum and imparting knowledge in different ways from the inception of the University. Since 1921 it has been studied in the Department of Sanskrit and Bangla, From 1937 it has been included in the Department of Sanskrit, from 1950 it has been studied under the Department of Bangla and Sanskrit. From 1970 it has been studied under the Department of Sanskrit and Pali. In 2006 Pali became a separate Department departing from Sanskrit and the department came to know as the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies’. From 2006-2007 session the Pali and Buddhist Studies Department has been carrying its own academic activities with dignity and honor as full-fledged Department.

Now-a-days, the Department offering four years B.A. Honors Degree course and one year Master Degree course, Besides, M. Phil and Ph.D. Degree courses are also conducting. Now, academic and official activities of the Department are conducting in the fifth floor of Arts building under faculty of Arts.